20 Farm-Fresh Facts That Brought Our Chickens Home To Roost

Have you ever heard that “all the world's a stage”? Well, I think it is, and this is my stage. The stage of the mind. And so, enjoy this list of interesting facts. Some will be humorous. Some will be horrifying. Some may make you feel superior to other human beings. But that's okay, because it will also make you feel inferior to other human beings. That's a good thing, too. Because, let's face it, we're all in the same boat. We enjoy this list of interesting facts. We can all agree with that, right? I mean, we're all here, aren't we? Right? Oh, and by the way, I'm not really sure what's on this list. That's kind of the point. You might even find a few things in here that you don't understand. You might even think they're stupid. You might think they're wrong. You might think they're boring. That's fine. Let's go!
The opposite of Occam’s Razor is Hickam’s Dictum.

Timothy the Tortoise was the last surviving witness of the Crimean war.

Millionaires don’t think anything under $5 million is “wealthy.”

Losing your sense of smell means your time is almost up.

Elizabeth Taylor had unique eyelashes.


The Rocky Horror Picture Show

MP3 Players

The Danish company that made the lethal injection drug stopped selling to prisons.

Liv Tyler didn’t know her father was Steven Tyler for 8 years.

The longest river in France was diverted to make room for a King’s chateau.

The leader of the Heaven’s Gate cult was castrated.

The Switch


Ford made a car from soybean and hemp.

Vegas used to hold parties to watch atomic bombs detonate.

The “Irish Giant” had his corpse stolen.

Some vertebrates don’t have stomachs.

A Russian plane was so slow that German pilots would stall trying to target it.

Flatworms duel with their penises to determine who gets to be the father.