15 Now-You-Know Facts That Really Wetzled Our Pretzels

You know what's the most interesting thing in the world? The number of things that aren't interesting. There's a lot of them. I enjoy this list of interesting facts because I enjoy the number of things that aren't interesting, but also because I don't have any friends, and these facts are all I've got to look forward to. You know what else is the most interesting thing in the world? The fact that I have no friends. This is a strange thing for me to think about. If you'd asked me at the beginning of my life if I wanted to be friends with other people, I'd have laughed and said ‘hell yeah!’ and then gotten together with all my friends and gone out for burgers. But now, there are no more friends, and I can't stop thinking about the fact that I've lost them all, and how strange it is that I enjoy this list of interesting facts.
China aired “V for Vendetta” with no censorship.

Harvard is well endowed.


Elvis bought a presidential yacht and gave it to St. Jude’s.

Greece took satellite imagery to find swimming pools left off of tax forms.

The Space Shuttle can’t handle a year rollover on the calendar.

Medicine bottles block UV light.

Gnarls Barkley

Ethiopia may or may not have the Ark of the Covenant.

Mad TV

People in the US didn’t think women were “designed” to ride trains.

Milk Duds weren’t supposed to have an uneven coating.

Queen Victoria took out “For The Brave” on the Victorian Cross.

Ancient Romans believed eyelashes fell out from sex.