20 Creepy Facts About 'The X-Files'

Hey, we just woke from a 24-year coma right after watching The X-Files: Fight the Future. Holy Scully’s lisp, that movie was amazing. The third act was a bit of a letdown, it was kinda clunky and it went too Hollywood blockbuster for its own sake, but still, that was a wonderful piece of X-Files! What a way to crown five thought-provoking, skin-crawling, mind-blowing seasons, surely the show is super respected by now, right? After that movie, surely the show went on to just dominate pop culture and everybody considers it one of the greatest pieces of media ever made, right? You know what, we’re gonna leave this here, go binge on the, erm, four more seasons, second movie, and two revival seasons? Holy Mulder’s magnificent speedo bulge, they must be soooooo good! Alright, we’re gonna watch them and get back to you immediately, stay put, don’t go anywhere…
Well, crap. That was, that was… not what we expected. That was bad. Ugh, okay, anyway, our therapist told us we should make this Pictofact. He said it would help elaborate the trauma. He said it would make us remember the good times, treasure them, and be grateful for the happiness the show brought us. Then we asked if he had seen The X-Files and he scoffed and said, “Doesn't that show suck?” Yes, doc, we see that now. We see. These Lost and Dexter and Game of Thrones things look simply fascinating, though. They’re good, right? Okay, we’re really getting our hopes high over here. For now, we’re gonna leave you with these 20 creepy and spooky facts about The X-Files. Oh, by the way, whatever happened to that slimy Donald Trump guy? Did you hear his misogynistic, unhinged latest comments? Well, the latest comments from 1998, remember we just woke up. Whatever, we’ll just Altavista it. Enjoy!
"A goner"

Source: Entertainment Weekly
Mulder's Speedo

Source: IndieWire
A (Non) Sidekick

Source: Screen Rant
'Breaking Bad'

Source: /Film
Sexual Tension

Source: Vulture
Theme Song

Scully's Abduction

Speculative Science

Source: Wired
Skinner and “Scully.”

Source: Mental Floss
John Doggett

Sources: Wikipedia, Screen Rant
The Cigarette Smoking Man

The Lone Gunmen

More: The Weird 9/11 Pop-Culture (Released Before The Real One)
The Mythology

Source: IndieWire
The X-Files

Source: Mental Floss
The Scully Effect

Leyla Harrison

Source: Wikipedia
Jennifer Beals

Source: Hollywood.com

Source: Mental Floss
Baywatch Nights

Source: Moviefone

Source: Variety