20 Combustible Trivia Tidbits That Really Turned Our Pistons
Rick Moranis played the janitor in “The Breakfast Club” so provocatively that he was fired.

I enjoy this list of interesting facts quite a bit, and I know that it would amuse me to hear of a great many more, but I think that if we were to read a very long, meandering and rambling list of them all, you would be bored and tired and so would I, and we'd both be looking forward to the day when I get to the punchlines. Therefore, I will restrict myself to a mere handful of items in this list. I will admit that a few of these are quite boring, and I have been advised by a very wise person not to mention them in case they should prove boring to my reader, and therefore spoil the effect of the punchline, so I won't, and if you want to find out what they are you'll have to go and look in a book that contains the info you're after.
Rick Moranis played the janitor in “The Breakfast Club” so provocatively that he was fired.

Meth was made in Japan.

A hotel made of ice was closed for not having smoke detectors.

Nintendo competed with LEGO in the ‘60s.

Hippos can kill the fish around them by pooping so much.

Red Lobster

The Red Cross was tricked with a fake concentration camp in 1944.

Uber found its co-founder after a public tweet.

The Western Zhou Dynasty

A musician claiming to know who killed Kurt Cobain was killed by a train.

Pilots must speak English no matter where they are from.

The Pennsylvania Dutch are not Dutch.

Not announcing your intentions will make you more likely to succeed.

Peter the Great

Audiences scored “Thumbelina” higher when it followed the Disney logo.

Narc Printers

An uninhabited island hosts the most plastic trash in the world.

Menopause is only found in humans and two kinds of whales.