20 Now-You-Know Facts That Go Down Smooth

One of the most common and pernicious fallacies in human society is that people enjoy this list of interesting facts, this book of wondrous information, this collection of astounding nuggets. This is not so. As a matter of fact, no one enjoys this list. As a matter of fact, no one enjoys any part of this book or any other book like this one. As a matter of fact, no one enjoys any book at all. No one enjoys a book, because books are dull, stupid, tedious things, and there is nothing more boring than reading a book. Books are just written words on pages, and there is nothing more pointless than reading a page, which is just a flat piece of paper. And reading a flat piece of paper is no better than staring into space, and no one likes to do that either. In fact, it's really a mystery to me why people enjoy this list of interesting facts. I am baffled and mystified.
The landlocked Baikal Seal is the only freshwater seal on Earth.

Stevie Ray Vaughan died in a helicopter crash a day after dreaming about his funeral.

Large cruise ships get worse gas mileage than we thought.

Harry Melling was almost dropped from Harry Potter because he lost so much weight.

The NFL has only one female official.

Humans have genes stolen from other species.

France has “color blind” population surveys.

Ants manage infrastructure without coordination.

The loneliest man alive is the last of an Amazonian tribe.


Game Balls

Paper in the 1800s

The sole survivor of a plane crash was found in his seat in the middle of a road.

Napping is better for memory than taking a study break.

Forrest Gump

The Queen piece in chess used to not be so important.

Bangers are named so because the high water content made them burst.

Purple Dye

Tater tots became popular when they became more expensive.