15 Worldly Facts That Really Pollinated Our Tulips

Marie Antoinette liked to LARP as a village peasant.
15 Worldly Facts That Really Pollinated Our Tulips

In my line of work as a comedy writer, I enjoy this list of interesting facts, as it offers me a chance to share with you some fascinating items of trivia. You may not be familiar with these facts, and if you are, it could be a while since you last heard them. If you have ever been stuck on an airplane next to someone who wants to know the capital of Burkina Faso, you know the value of knowing facts. I've compiled a list of such facts, and I will be sharing them in no particular order, so as to entertain your brain for a few minutes. I enjoy this list of interesting facts because it offers me a chance to share with you some fascinating items of trivia. If you have any additional facts, please do feel free to share them in the comments section with everyone else.

Farmers are hacking their tractor firmware.

US farmers hack their tractors with Ukrainian firmware. CRACKED.COM This seems to be the only way to actually own the machines and their software, rather than rent them for lifetime from John Deere.



Inflation in Zimbabwe reached 76.9 billion percent in 2008. 100000 000 000 000 RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE 1000000000 000000 I promise to pay FEBLE the bearer on demand ONE HUNDRED TRILLION DOLLARS for the Reserve Bank of Zimbabure GRACKED.COM Dr G. Gone One year later, Zimba- bwe abandoned its currency. The ex- change rate at the time was $35 quadril- lion Zimbabwean dol- lars to $1 US dollar.

John Hughes almost made a “Jaws” sequel.

Jaws 3 was almost a comedy written by John Hughes. CRACKED.COM Universal Pictures near- ly greenlit the sequel, called, Jaws 3, People 0. Instead, they made Jaws 3-D, which bombed with critics and at the box office.


Buzz Aldrin

Buzz Aldrin stepped in when a computer docking system failed during a space flight. GRAGKED.COM On NASA's Gemini XII flight, the computer docking system failed and Buzz Aldrin success- fully calculated the dock- ing trajectory using a sex- tant and a slide rule.


A baseball coach “caught” a grapefruit dropped from a plane.

A grapefruit was dropped from a plane onto MLB coach Wilbert Robinson in 1915. CRACKED.COM The stunt was supposed to involve dropping a baseball into the coach's glove, but as a prank the grapefruit was dropped instead. When the red pulp exploded on Robin- son, he was convinced he was grievously injured.


Expired mayo helped to power Michigan State University in 2017.

Part of the Michigan State University campus was powered by mayonnaise in 2017. GRACKED.COM After 1250 gallons of mayonnaise went bad, the school's Sustainabili- ty Officer used an anaer- obic digester to turn it into energy and power part of the campus.

Atlas Obscura

The U.S. Air Force

The US tried to make a UFO to confuse and fight the Soviets. GRACKED.COM The U.S. Air Force, working with a Canadian aeronau- tics company, tried to build a supersonic flying saucer-like aircraft to si- multaneously wage psy- chological and physical war on the Soviet Union.


Before elevators, higher floors were for poor people.

The lower floors of a building used to be meant for wealthy people. CRACKED COM Before the invention of el- evators, and for many years after, the building's lowest floors were prime real estate meant for the wealthy, and the higher floors were for servants.

NY Post

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