15 Time-Bending Facts About Salvador Dali

The following is a collection of odd facts to enjoy. It's meant for anyone who likes the idea of odd facts, not just for people who are interested in lists of odd facts. I was thinking about writing a list of funny jokes that you could use in stand-up comedy routines and on stage, but I found that many of the jokes were so stupid and obvious that they were only funny if you knew exactly what was meant by them, so I didn't bother to write any of those down. This list is different because it's full of interesting facts. Most of them are so interesting that you'd never think of making them into jokes, and you'll probably never know why they are interesting. If you are one of those people who are interested in finding out what all of these odd facts mean, you will enjoy this list of interesting facts. If you are one of those people who enjoy making fun of stupid people who like to tell stupid jokes, then you probably won't get anything out of this list.
His Mustache is Intact to This Day

He Refused to Sell Yoko Ono His Mustache

He Had a Thing With Cauliflower

Salvador Dali

He Had a Pet Ocelot

And Disney

He Worked With Hitchcock

He Capitalized On Himself

And Hitler

He Was Obsessed With Freud

He Was Expelled From Art School (For Being a Pompous Ass)

He Had a Thing With Ants

He Was an Attempted Child Murderer

He Believed He Was His Own Brother