15 Weirdest Food Trends of the ‘80s

As I enjoy this list of interesting facts, it strikes me that there are two distinct types of people out there. First, there are the people who are reading this because they are bored and looking for something to do. These people are not my audience. I am addressing you, the person who has read this far. You have taken the time to read these words, and that is a compliment to you. Thank you. I am now going to do something that I would never do if I had to write a regular article. I am going to address the people in this list directly. You are not reading this merely for fun, entertainment or some kind of intellectual stimulation. You have taken the time to read this because you want to find some information that is true. If you enjoy this list of interesting facts, then you should be using your time wisely. There are very important things that you could be doing with your life. You could be working to better society or developing a cure for cancer. You could be preparing to build a rocket ship so that you can travel to the nearest planet and become its new god. You could be anything at all.
Fast Food Buffets



Medieval Times

Wine Coolers

Tobacco Gum

Dr Pepper Gum

Hubba Bubba Soda

Taco Bell Burgers


Star Wars


Lean Cuisine

‘Light’ Drinks

New Coke