15 Impressively Evil Things McDonald's Has Done

As children enjoy this list of interesting facts, we should like to remind them that the facts contained within are real. In fact, we challenge the reader to prove that any of the information contained in these pages is false. Included in this collection are many things that may be new to our readers, some things that will surprise them, and some things that will astonish them. We hope that the reader will take the time to ponder the significance of each fact, and we hope that the reader will also find the collection enjoyable. The following facts are presented in a very simple manner. We have endeavored to keep the text as clear as possible without losing any of the information. The facts are not necessarily presented in the order in which they were discovered, but instead, we have tried to group them into broad categories the reader may enjoy.
They Favor the Bottom Line At All Costs

They Evade Taxes

They Stiff Black Franchise Owners

They Love Lying About Their Fries

They Lied to Vegetarians

Gestation Crates??

Spiking Chickens

The McLibel Case


They Ran the Original Owners Out of Business

They Told Employees to Treat Burn Injuries With Condiments



They Gave Advice on Impoverished Living
