20 Ways James Bond Has Evolved Over the Years: Then vs. Now

You know, the very best description of James Bond continues to be the one that M gives in Goldeneye: a sexist, misogynist dinosaur, a relic of the Cold War with boyish charms. Damn, M, now tell us how you really feel. But seriously, for all of James Bond’s flaws (of which, as comedy writers, we refuse to count his initial dad bod), the character and his universe have also changed a lot during their almost 70 years of existence (and we don’t mean only because he apparently has a cartoon nephew). Sure, the real world has made him obsolete, yet it would be unfair to think he remains the same sexist, misogynist dinosaur he once was. He has become, erm, a respectful sexist and misogynist dinosaur? Well, he had to eventually.
The point is that Bond has evolved. The character, his novels, and his movies have changed a lot throughout seven decades, and we’re big fans of his awful, just awful spy skills. After all, it was this franchise that first acknowledged Michelle Yeoh’s ass-kicking awesomeness in the West, so even its worst tendencies can still end up bringing about interesting cultural changes. With this in mind, we’ve taken a look at the evolution and major landmarks in the history of James Bond, so we bring you 20 ways in which the character and his franchise have been transformed. We then add another entry to our ongoing collection of facts about Bond, because he is indeed our favorite psychopathic douchebag (who also happens to peddle fried chicken) See? Our dad bod is absolutely justifiable, former girlfriend reading this.

Source: Investopedia
More: 5 Ways James Bond Was WAY More Insane In The Books

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia
Highs and Lows

Source: Rotten Tomatoes
Bond Tenures

Source: Wikipedia
Fun Adventures


Sources: TotalNtertainment, Digital Trends

Source: Collider
More: 12 Lamest James Bond Villains
Bond Girls

Sources: Screen Rant, Options

Source: The Guardian

Source: Wikipedia
Bond's a cash machine that doesn't care where the cash comes from

Source: The A.V. Club

Sources: Screen Rant, Screen Rant

Source: Wikipedia
Character Arc

Source: Screen Rant
Gun Barrel

Source: Wikipedia, Renderly/YouTube
James Bond

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Bond Lifestyle
New Novels

Source: Wikipedia