20 Flagrantly Off-The-Wall Facts That Hot Crossed Our Buns

I'm going to share some very interesting facts, but also, there are going to be some really silly ones, too. I'm going to share them in a way that's meant to be entertaining. It will be an absurdist comedy. The things you're about to read are really odd, strange, interesting, silly, and sometimes funny things. I don't want you to think this is some boring list of boring facts. There's no order to this, and there are some facts I enjoy because they're a little weird. And others are really strange. I'm sure you'll find this list of interesting facts amusing and entertaining. 1) The world's first online dating service was launched in 1986 in Australia. It was called “The Cyber Date Network.” It was created by the owner of a small news agency. The service was quite popular, but it eventually failed and shut down. Errr … wait, never mind, that's total nonsense. Here's the real, honest-to-God list of facts:
Occam’s razor is all about shaving and cutting away assumptions.

The Mary Celeste

Howard Hughes purchased a TV station because he felt nothing he liked was on.

A Scottish doctor inspired the creation of Sherlock Holmes.

The Torre Mayor building is one of the strongest in the world.

Winston Churchill had a doctor’s note for alcohol.

Saloons in the Old West sold Strychnine laced whiskey.

New Zealand

Caesar and Cleopatra’s Son

An 11 year old published a paper disproving the claims of Reiki practitioners.

White Castle paints their interiors white to appear clean.

Fincher was sent a rejected screenplay for “Se7en.”

An abandoned Japanese island was once the most populated on Earth.


The Paris Gun

Michael Jackson was put under anesthesia instead of sleeping.


A jazz band member killed his bandmate, who was also an African president.

“Going steady” was seen as a problem to parents in the 1950s.

King Kamehameha