20 Swell Facts That We’re Super Sweet On
This is a list of facts that are, on the face of it, utterly absurd. You might enjoy this list of interesting facts for the same reason that you would enjoy a game of charades, or maybe a riddle. The strange thing about this list is that these facts are all true. You may enjoy this list of interesting facts because you are a human being, and as such, you have an inherent desire to know what is true and what is not, and this list will help you achieve your goal. Or you may enjoy this list of interesting facts because you have an inherent desire to learn about the world, and this list will help you do that. The point is, if you like facts, this list is for you. But the facts themselves are really only the beginning. Because what makes them interesting is not their inherent truthfulness, but the way in which they reveal something deeper about the world and how we perceive it.