15 Now-You-Know Facts To Add To Our Inventory

In the beginning, there were no facts. There were just things and stuff that happened. Then humans thought, ‘hey, why don’t we make a list of interesting facts?' And lo, the first list was written. The list was quite small and consisted of only three items: 1. There are four times as many stars in the universe as there are grains of sand on all the beaches in the world. 2. The largest living organism is a 5,000 year-old giant fungus. 3. A whale's unit is 10 feet long and has 30,000 helices per inch. As time passed, the list grew, but it wasn't until humans figured out that they could write down these facts and pass them from generation to generation that the true purpose of facts was realized. It is now known that if you have a fact in your head and then write it down, you can make a new list of interesting facts! It is also known that the items on that first list were 100% nonsense.
Slavery was ended in Haiti thanks to Yellow Fever.

Detroit Red Wings fans throw octopuses onto the ice.

A father from Virginia claimed an uninhabited bit of Sudan for his seven-year-old.

Hotels purposefully overbook their rooms by 15%.

The Burger King menu had a unique item in Miami: corpses.


Chekov’s character on Star Trek was modeled after Davy Jones.

Some countries did not air Israel winning the 1978 Eurovision Song Contest.

An illegal dumping of iron sulfate was the world’s most significant geoengineering project.

Some birds of prey can see bands of UV light that other animals cannot.

A woman was drafted in the NBA but declined because she was pregnant.

We vote on Tuesdays in the US because of how long it took farmers to travel.

Grapefruit can lead to drug overdosing.

Harambe wasn’t the only famous gorilla in 2016.

The ‘Dumb and Dumber’ Sequel