20 Outstanding Facts That Had Us Jumping For Joy

My name is Rudeus Greyrat. I enjoy this list of interesting facts, so I am going to list a few more interesting facts about me. I am sixteen years old, which makes me the same age as my cousin Elinalise. That means that I am not allowed to get married for another eight years, but I have never found anything all that interesting about being sixteen. I enjoy reading books. In fact, I like them a little too much. If I read one book too many, it feels like my brain begins to shrivel up. It gets so that I can only think in short bursts, and I start making stupid mistakes, like getting lost in my own house. When I was little, I always wanted to be an adventurer. I was convinced that if I could just find my way to a dungeon and defeat some monsters, I would become a hero. It turns out that dungeons don't tend to hire adventurers who are sixteen years old. Anyway, please enjoy this list:

Painless Parker was a dentist hated by the ADA.

ESPN had a $300 sports phone.

The “Rabbit of Caerbannog” is based on a carving on the Notre Dame Cathedral.

Your FBI agent really does care about you.


The former CEO of Coke was the first to become a billionaire by not being a company founder.

A man tried to bungee jump off a bridge onto a passing cruise ship.


A delusional disorder exists where a person thinks they are a cow or ox.

Clam spit makes a rare silk that only one person knows how to process.

A Fact You Can Trust!

Astronauts burn up their dirty laundry in Earth’s orbit.

Sonic the Hedgehog

New Zealand’s Blue Lake is the clearest in the world.

A WWII pilot was chased around their plane after making an emergency landing in Kansas.

A gun that took pictures when you pulled the trigger was invented in 1938.

Katie Melua gave a concert at 303 meters below sea level.

Zildjian cymbals were created by an alchemist.

Nashville was the first Southern US city to establish a public school.