15 Now-You-Know General Knowledge Facts

There are many ways to enjoy this list of interesting facts, but for me the most entertaining way is to think of a few facts that you'd never considered before, and then contemplate the reasons why they are not true. I find this to be more enjoyable than contemplating the reasons why they are true, because the latter gives you an answer and the former leaves you with a mystery. There are a few points of clarification before I begin. The definition of ‘interesting fact’ is quite loose. I'm including anything that has caught my interest and made me think, even if I have no idea of why it is interesting or what the significance of it is. If I had to put a number on it, I would say there are about four hundred interesting facts in this list. Some are very strange indeed, and some are so mundane that you could write them down and enjoy this list of interesting facts in the waiting room of your doctor's surgery. But all of them are curious in one way or another.
Oasis issued checks with their branding so they wouldn’t be cashed.

The ‘Clockwork Orange’ author was given a year to live.

Rabies makes the victim afraid to drink water.

CGI was not used to create an eruption volcano in ‘Star Wars.’

Magic mushrooms can be sold in spore form.

A baseball pitcher was the first person on camera giving the middle finger.

Kenny McCormick

A Wal-Mart employee was trampled to death by Black Friday shoppers in 2008.

A deaf friend of Charlie Chaplin helped with his pantomime technique.

A French man pretended to be an American family’s lost son.

Presidential Races

A 16th-century priest spent 50 years fighting slavery.


Cosmonauts have a ritual where they pee on their transfer bus.

Queen Elizabeth