20 Now-You-Know Facts That Might Be Helpful One Day

As a species, we can enjoy this list of interesting facts. It is not something we do because we want to know more about the world around us. It is a distraction from reality. It is an escape from our daily worries. We don't enjoy this list of fascinating facts for any logical reason. But it does help. There is no denying that this list of fascinating facts will make you smarter, and by extension make you feel more confident and sure of yourself. This list of interesting facts will also serve to make you feel good about yourself if you are a decent and upstanding member of society. In fact, if you are a decent and upstanding member of society, then this list of interesting facts may even make you feel so good about yourself that you start behaving in a more upstanding way. You may even start behaving in a more upstanding manner towards those people who you usually think are beneath you.
The Paris Catacombs

The word "dashboard" originated as a barrier at the front of a horse-drawn carriage.

Hippos were almost brought over from Africa to the US in 1910.

The Series Finale

U.S. Presidents


It only takes 15 digits of pi for NASA to calculate interplanetary travel.

Hollywood accounting would have us believe the ‘Lord of the Rings’ movies didn’t make a profit.

Compersion is the secondhand rush of happiness you feel when seeing somebody else do well.

Joseph Smith thought Quakers lived on the moon.

Mao Zedong had very poor dental habits.

Orangutans can be attracted to human red heads.

Home Depot used to stock shelves with empty merchandise boxes.

A quarter of the Netherlands would flood in weeks without their water boards.

Chopin’s heart was pickled in cognac.

Roosters crow in order from the highest-ranking bird to the lowest.

Thompson Twins

Disney left out the peculiar death of Maui from real Maori myth.

There were only a thousand humans left 70,000 years ago.

The appendix must be doing something important.