20 Trivia Tidbits That Really Jettisoned Our Payload
One of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of our time is that we can now enjoy this list of interesting facts. We are so fortunate. We know a great deal about the universe, about life, about history, about science, and about how people lived in the past. If you think about it, this is probably the most amazing thing to have happened to our species. The discovery of fire, agriculture, writing, mathematics, democracy, electricity, computers, and other advances are all amazing feats. But, when compared with the fact that we now have access to knowledge about all of those things and much more, these are mere child's play. The reason why I enjoy this list of interesting facts is not because it is a new way to learn things (although it is). It is because I can learn a little bit about anything that I wish, and this gives me an immense amount of satisfaction.