20 Facts Pulled From The Depths Of The Earth

I enjoy this list of interesting facts quite a bit more than the usual list of facts, because this one is more fun. And it's true, in my personal opinion, that fun facts are superior to mere facts. Fun facts make people feel smarter and wiser than they actually are, which is always nice. I mean, I'm not stupid or anything, but I do like feeling smart, so I'm not going to argue with a fun fact. I will however, attempt to entertain you with an anecdote about why I have so many fun facts to begin with, since I suspect you've come here looking for some. I grew up in a fairly large family, but my mother was an only child. I, however, have two brothers, as well as a sister who is about ten years younger than me. My parents enjoy this list of interesting facts, and my mom likes to share these particular ones with me and my siblings when she visits us in Florida. I think she likes them because they make her seem so clever and witty.
George Cowan survived a Monty Python-esque trial of injuries.

Ice cream made with pudding mix will gel rather than melt.

The Largest Black Hole Ever Found

Coke sales teams can’t give anyone a better deal than McDonald’s.

"Hey, isn't that John Quincy Adams?"

“Willow” special FX were used in “Terminator 2.”

There is a time capsule under an obelisk in Central Park.

When the Queen dies, Operation London Bridge goes into effect.

The Florida Fairy Shrimp

Herbs are from the leaves of a plant and spices come from other parts.

7 Society

A dam collapsed in the middle of the night in California and killed 400 people.

Hong Kong’s subway is managed with artificial intelligence.

The Nazis tried to flood the market with counterfeit British pounds.

Apple had an iPhone prototype in the 1980s.

A teenager snuck into Ivy League schools for an education.

Robert Redford wanted to be in “The Graduate,” but wasn’t a believable loser.

Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan

Superman was not the first ‘super man.’

A sinkhole swallowed an entire bedroom in Florida.