15 Facts To Learn Out Of Pure Spite

We enjoy this list of interesting facts. It's not really meant for us to learn from. We just like to read them, over and over again. There are so many interesting things in the world. There are so many amazing things happening in our world every day. It can be hard to know what to pay attention to, especially if you're a normal human being living in a normal city. It's good to have reminders that there is so much interesting stuff going on out there in the wide world. So enjoy this list of interesting facts. Feel free to pass it along to someone else. Maybe they'll enjoy it too. Or maybe they'll just find it confusing. Who knows? The truth is that lists of interesting facts are often written by people who hate interesting facts. They try to force the interestingness out of the facts. It doesn't work that way. Interesting things come from interesting things, not from forcing interesting things into interesting places.
A waterfall in Minnesota flows into a mysterious hole.


Joaquin Phoenix wanted to be named “Leaf.”

Teddy Roosevelt was Police Commissioner for New York City.

The National Weather Service had to add new colors to their map during one hurricane.

The Soviets bombed a gas well fire, to much success.

The Chinese used to have incense clocks.

Two separate birth anomalies make it possible for a child to be born with two fathers.

A filmmaker lived with monks for half a year to document their daily lives.

There is a neolithic civilization that predates the pyramids by 1000 years.

Cruise ships dump over half a million gallons of waste into the sea every day.

The Vulcan neck pinch was Leonard Nimoy’s idea.

The Yeti may exist, but it’s just a rare bear.

Boris Yeltsin drummed on the head of Kyrgyzstan’s president with spoons.

German railways made victims of the Nazis pay to ride to their death.