15 Now-You-Know Facts That Blew Our Socks Off

What's a brain good for? Well, it's good for memorizing phone numbers and the names of your seventh grade classmates and the lyrics of a dozen pop songs. It's also good for playing word games and solving logic puzzles and understanding the theory of relativity. But if you ask any scientist what it's best at, you're likely to get a blank stare. The brain has been described as the most complex structure known to science. And yet, the brain has no practical value. It can't be used to cure diseases or grow crops, nor can it be used to build bridges, cars, or computers. It's not even clear what purpose brains serve, because the brain doesn't seem to do anything. In fact, the brain is often described as a kind of biological waste bucket, a massive organ that consumes tremendous amounts of energy with no apparent function. Anyway, please enjoy this list of interesting facts.
Mao Zedong invited people to openly express themselves, so he could see who said the wrong things.

BTS brings big bucks to South Korea.


Earth Simulator is one of the most powerful supercomputers on Earth.

Dog Carrying Day

Tom Morello

Flavor Flav can play 15 instruments.

A replica of the Statue of Liberty was accidentally used on a “forever” stamp.

Tikka Masala is a Scottish dish.

Coke has an arrangement with the DEA.

The Bugatti Veyron isn’t cheap to maintain.

There are temples in Japan with blood on the ceiling.

The “Cinnamon Challenge” is dangerous.

A man mailed his bullies old underwear and soggy trash.

Moscow street dogs know how to scare the food out of your hand.