20 Off-The-Wall Facts That Jumpstarted Our Camaro

If I had a penny for every time I heard someone say, ‘Oh, that’s just a fact!' then I'd be able to afford a cup of coffee. Fact is an old-fashioned word, isn't it? It comes from the Latin word faciendum, meaning something which must be done. Facetiously, one of the definitions of fact in the Oxford English Dictionary is ‘something which is to be done.’ And yet there are all these people who enjoy this list of interesting facts, and they say to me, ‘Oh, that’s just a fact!' And I have to say, ‘No it isn’t. It's something which must be done.' The very word fact itself is an interesting one. As a noun it means ‘something which is fixed or certain’. As a verb it means ‘to give firm shape to (something)’. It's a noun which gives us the word ‘facet’ - ‘a polished surface’. Uhhh … on second thought, ignore all that, I'm sure I'll edit it to be actually accurate when I sober up. Anyway, here's that list:
‘The Onion’ was cited in a Chinese publication.

Iron Rings

Claw machines are programmed specifically to not work right.

Bobby Farrell died on the same day as Rasputin - the subject of one his biggest hits.

In 2014, an Iraqi man named Mohammed Abu Ali slept through the invasion of his town after it was attacked by militants. He was the only person left behind when the town was evacuated. He woke up, watched a movie and fiddled with his A/C, only noticing the

Jackie Chan

A library at the US/Canadian border can be entered in Vermont and exited in Quebec.

Futurama had unpredictable time slots because Fox hated it.

Police beat and murdered a Mexican-American veteran instead of bringing him to a hospital.

Before Einstein, it was thought a planet was between Mercury and the Sun.

The Netherlands loaned the US the equivalent of $150 billion.

The Nigerian Civil War was paused to see Pelé play.

There is an award given to couples married for at least 50 years.

A soldier lost a hand throwing back a grenade, and still defended his post for hours.

‘Courage the Cowardly Dog’ has been nominated and won a bunch of awards.

A 23 foot snake killed and ate a man in Indonesia.

The deadliest bombing raid in history happened in Tokyo.

“Tron” earned less in theaters than its arcade game.

Andy Warhol directed a Batman movie.

Sinatra had girls paid to scream at his early concerts.