15 Now-You-Know Facts For The Record Books

This is a list of interesting facts with no purpose other than to entertain. This is not a book, a work of non-fiction, nor a reference guide. It is not meant as an introduction to any field or subject. Nor is it intended to be a self-help manual or a how-to guide. There is no context to any of these facts. They are not arranged chronologically, or by category, or in any other logical manner. They do not have to be read from top to bottom, or in any other specific order. They are all facts about things that you may never have heard of, and they have nothing to do with one another. They are not even meant to be related. If you don't like them, that's too bad. I am not responsible for your feelings or your life. You will have to find something else to enjoy. You could always read a book or watch a movie.
The air quality is so poor Underground that 20 minutes on the Northern Line has the same effect as smoking a cigarette.

AT&T had a secret room for monitoring global internet traffic.


Mayors that gain weight during their term are booed in one UK town.

‘Dog’ is dog, in English and an extinct language.

World War II

Transparent Darth Vader jellies stalk the Arctic waters.

Terminator 2

The FBI slandered an actress and was responsible for her miscarriage.


Sunbeam Snakes

Clint Eastwood waited until he was 61 to make “The Unforgiven.”

Taco Bell reduced the sodium content of its menu in secret and no one could tell the difference.

Socrates thought writing stuff down would lead people to be more forgetful.

A bakery in France had its bread spiked with LSD.