20 Trivia Tidbits Uncovered For Trivia Adventurers

A Jordache Jeans blimp crashed in the same place as the Hindenburg.
20 Trivia Tidbits Uncovered For Trivia Adventurers

This is a list of some interesting things. The order of the items in this list has no particular significance. I wrote this list of interesting facts while on a very long train journey. I wrote the first few items on the list while in my hotel room. The train journey was from New York to Washington DC. It took approximately sixteen hours. It is worth mentioning that I enjoy this list of interesting facts. It is a very enjoyable activity to read and to make up new items for this list.  There are many different ways to create new items for the list. One way to make up new items is to make up a question based on an item from the list, then think of the answer. I have been making up a new question for the list every day. Sometimes the question is about a single item on the list. Other times the question is about several items on the list at once. 

Bon appetit, mayo can stay on your kitchen counter.

Mayonnaise does not need to be refrigerated. CRACKED.COM Enjoyers of room tempera- ture, table mayo rejoice! Commercially produced May- onnaise has a high enough acidity that bacteria growth associated with food-borne illnesses is slowed.


Whoopi Goldberg

Whoopi Goldberg will not travel by plane. GRAGKED.COM Goldberg only travels by tour bus because she witnessed a mid-air plane collision take place in San Diego back in 1978, known as the PSA-182 tragedy.


The International Space Station

The ISS is weightless because it's in orbit, not because of its distance from Earth. CRACKED.COM An airplane at the same altitude, under its own power, would have 89% as much gravity as the Earth's surface.


Tiger beetles run faster than they can see.

Tiger beetles run so fast they temporarily blind themselves. GRACKED.COM When moving at up to 120 body lengths per second, their environ- ment becomes a blur as their eyes can't gather enough light to form an image.



The Finnish military had a swastika on their logo until 2020. CRACKED.COM Finland's air force has been using a swastika ever since it was founded in 1918, but outside pressure made them change it... to a golden eagle with its wings proudly outstretched. Oh no.

A serial killer was caught in a very Looney Tunes fashion.

Serial killer Eric Edgar Cookie was caught with the ol'gun on a fishing line trick. 0mmx10 WESON COMBAT CRACKED.COM Cooke was arrested after throwing his firearm into a bush, which the police found, substituted for an inoperable one attached to a fishing line and waited in a hide for him to come back and pick up.

Felon Podcast

California Air Quality

Schools in the Imperial Valley in California use color coded flags based on the air quality. CRACKED.COM The air quality around the Salton Sea is so bad that schools use green, yellow, and red flags for children who have asthma. Green means they join their friends on the playground, whereas red means they stay inside all day.

The first Olympic discus throwers were largely just winging it.

Many of the participants in the first Olympic discus throw had never actually thrown one before. GRAGKED.COM American competitor Robert Garrett had been training with a discus several times the weight of the one in the event, and ended up winning gold. The Greek champions were too busy trying to replicate the poses of ancient Greek statues.


Beer is an (officially) important part of Belgium’s culture.

Belgium's beer culture is a part of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. GRACKED.COM Brussels' regional leader, Rudi Vervoort, said that beer has been a part of our so- ciety since time imme- morial. We'll drink to that.

The Guardian

A “racist” visual gag in Invader Zim had to be changed.

An episode of Invader Zim had to be changed because it included a sign that read Welcome to Mexico. CRACKED.COM The ending of the episode Walk of Doom involved Zim and GIR being dropped off in a slum with Spanish music playing and the sign serving as a visual gag, but Nickelodeon was concerned it was racist.

Buzzy World

Jordache Jeans

A Jordache Jeans blimp crashed in the same place as the Hindenburg disaster. CRACKED.COM The 170-foot long blimp, on its way to a gala chris- tening party in Manhattan, hit some trees and was grounded shortly after takeoff in Lakehurst, NJ. This time, there were no casualties.

Some women in Tibet still marry multiple men from the same family.

It's traditional in Tibet for a woman to be married to multiple men in the same family. GRAGKED.COM The woman would be mar- ried to multiple brothers in order to keep the land within the same family. The practice was technical- ly outlawed in 1981, but has no penalties and isn't pros- ecuted.

Tibet Travel

10 million people attended the first World’s Fair held in the US.

A quarter of the US population attended the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. CRACKED.COM The first official World's Fair to be held in the United States, held in Philadelphia in 1876, was attended by 10 million people and 37 countries participated.

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