20 Odd Facts For These Strange Times

Hello, everyone, my name is X, and I enjoy this list of interesting facts as a pastime. I've never had much interest in sports or video games, so I found myself reading this book that contained a list of all the most interesting facts I could think of. I became fascinated by the fact that there are an infinite number of interesting facts, so I decided to write a book about interesting facts to keep from getting bored. The book I'm talking about is called “Stupendous Facts To Entertain Our Brains: A Compendium of Surprising, Shocking, and Curious Things,” and it contains over 800 facts. Some of the facts are serious, while others are not; however, I hope you all find at least one fact that you didn't know before, because that's what this is all about. If you wish to take advantage of this list's true power, then read through it randomly so that you can enjoy the things you already knew as well as the things you didn't know you knew.
Squid Game

A boxer refused to leave the ring after a loss at the Olympics.

Some crystals trap liquid inside of them as they form.

Man O’ Wars have left or right dominant sails.

Some bridges have a service to drive you across if you’re scared.

A food corporation owned basketball team has had some delicious names.


Frankincense and myrrh are made from the resin of desert plants.

American Nuclear Energy


A newspaper accidentally had code words in their crossword.

A plane spotter grounded a fighter jet after seeing sparks being produced during takeoff.

A serial killer in Hong Kong was caught trying to develop film of his victims.

The longest place name in the world is Bangkok’s real name.

German pubs have special sinks for puke.


Mad cow disease is rampant in the UK.

Fishermen found ancient artifacts in their nets.

The DSV Alvin

Da Vinci’s Student