20 Obscure Facts That Came In The Nick Of Time
We enjoy this list of interesting facts because they are interesting. But they are also important in ways we do not often consider. If you find the subject matter dull and dreary, you may skip to the end of this list. There is a section with a few links that may interest you more. Otherwise, read on. Some of these facts are silly. Some are serious. We have not tried to arrange them in any particular order. The sequence we chose has been determined by random chance, as it happens. This list includes both well-known and obscure facts, some of which are disputed, and some of which are unlikely to be disputed. We include a number of statistics, although they are only interesting because they are numbers, which makes them memorable. There are lots of people who enjoy this list of interesting facts because they like to read about interesting facts. There are many more who would never read it. This is not a criticism of either group.