20 Sexy (But Also Emotionally Complex) Facts About Marilyn Monroe

You know Marilyn Monroe, right? That blonde bimbo whose face is everywhere? Well, she wasn’t dumb, not at all, and her face being everywhere is the sad result of, well, capitalism. Now let us tell you something about friggin’ capitalis–no, wait, we were talking about Monroe. Yeah, she wasn’t even blonde! But this is well known. What is more interesting is how Monroe’s image has begun to change in recent times, especially as the toxicity of old Hollywood becomes clearer and clearer. Just like the cultural awareness that perhaps Britney Spears wasn’t a soulless product for the male gaze to devour, but rather a person with, you know, ideas, feelings, and parasites surrounding her, Monroe’s soulful humanity and artistic significance have long begun to be reconsidered. Also, Kim Kardashian’s desperate need for relevance has only made clearer how special Monroe was.
Yes, Marilyn Monroe was beautiful. But she was also much more than the nasty she was typecast into during her lifetime – and the death she was typecast into after her demise. What has emerged is a complex human being, who handled her image and image in a very deliberate manner, so much so that you could say it was she who objectified an entire culture, and that she’s been having us in the palm of her hand for almost 80 years. The problem is that the character got too real. As what might well be the definite biopic approach to Monroe’s psychological depth moves closer to us, we thought it’d be interesting to get to know the legend a bit more under a new light: astonished by her beauty, of course, but also respectful of her actual life, emotional complexity, and undeniable artistic achievements.
Marilyn Monroe

Source: Mental Floss

Source: Booktryst
Marilyn Monroe

Source: Yhara Zayd/YouTube
Marilyn Miller

Source: Wikipedia
Jean Harlow

Source: Wikipedia
Marilyn Monroe Productions

Source: MsMojo/YouTube
Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Source: Vogue
Marilyn's Voice

Source: Vogue
Unfinished Movie

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Tales from the Reading Room
Warren Beatty

Source: Vanity Fair
Marilyn's Movies

Source: Wikipedia
Early Marriage

Source: Mental Floss
Marilyn Monroe

Source: Vogue

Sources: RepublicWorld.com, Politico
Ella Fitzgerald

Source: Mental Floss
Joe DiMaggio

Source: MsMojo/YouTube
Marilyn's Dog

Source: Famous Dogs in History

Source: Wikipedia