25 News Stories That May Have Flown Under The Radar

WHY did a Tory council candidate say girls aged 16-23 have a “buttery, creamy” smell?
25 News Stories That May Have Flown Under The Radar

There are three types of people in this world. People who enjoy this list of interesting facts. People who think the list is too long and meandering. And people who don't get what all the fuss is about.In my case, I am a person who doesn't get why all these fascinating facts exist, so I have decided to write them down for you. The reason being that if you can read these facts then I don't need to tell you anything else. And if you don't enjoy reading these facts, I don't need to tell you anything else. And if you are a person who thinks these facts are too long and meandering, I don't need to tell you anything else. And if you are a person who doesn't get what all the fuss is about, then… I don't know.My enjoyment of the list comes from the fact that I am very, very, very good at spotting patterns, and when it comes to spotting patterns there is no better place to start than with lists of interesting facts.

Man has shoes tattooed onto his feet because he's 'tired of paying' for new ones.

A man got shoes tattooed on his feet because he was tired of buying new ones. '84 CRACKED.COM The man got his favorite Nike trainers permanent- ly inked on his feet since he was tired of replacing his worn-out shoes. Ap- parently his wife ар- proves of the decision.


Millions of immigration files stored in caves, delaying citizenship applications.

Millions of citizen applications were delayed because the immigration files were stored in caves. CRACKED.COM A group of people are suing the government, arguing their citizenship applications are still stuck in limbo due to an unreasonable delay in getting their records out of the limestone caves around Kansas City.


New international border between Canada and Denmark splits Hans island.

A new international border cut an island between Canada and Denmark in half. CRACKED.COM Canada and Denmark have reached a settlement in a de- cades-old border dispute over Hans Island, a 1.3-square-kilo- metre rock in the Arctic sea passage, by pulling a King Sol- omon and splitting the island down the middle.

The Globe and Mail 

Russian Climber holds the Ukrainian flag on Mt. Everest.

A Russian climber held the Ukrainian flag atop Mt. Everest in protest. CRACKED.COM Katya Lipka climbed the peak on a lame leg, with- out preparation and also with little acclimatization time, to unfurl the flag in opposition of Russia's atrocities.

Heaven Himalaya 

Woman finds more than $36,000 stashed in free Craigslist couch.

A woman found $36,000 stashed in a free couch she got off of Craigslist. CRACKED.COM Vicky Umodu got the couch after she moved into a new house in Southern California. When she felt something hard in one cushion, she stuck her hand inside and found the money in several bank enve- lopes and manilla folders.

Washington Post

Spider-Man robot crashes in stunt gone wrong during show at Disney’s Avengers Campus

The Spider-Man trapeze robot at Disney's Avengers Campus swung right into a wall during a show. GRACKED.COM The stunt robot swings from a rope and is supposed to land gracefully after performing a somersault, but somehow didn't stick the landing this time. Re- pairs to the building exterior were made and the mechanical hero was put back in the show.


Dog removed after entering gorilla enclosure at San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

A dog got loose inside a gorilla enclosure at the San Diego Zoo. CRACKED.COM The dog, which seems to be a stray, was chased by the curi- ous apes before ZOO staff was able to remove it. Both the dog and the gorillas are safe, and park guests didn't wit- ness the worst possible thing imaginable.


Lobster diver swallowed by humpback whale off Provincetown.

A lobster diver was completely gobbled up by a humpback whale. CRACKED.COM Michael Packard said that he felt a shove, and then the next thing he knew it was completely black. The mus- cles in the whale's mouth squeezed Packard until it surfaced and thrashed him back out into the water.


Man who raps about robbing ATMs arrested for robbing ATM.

A man who raps about robbing ATMs was arrested for robbing an ATM (technician). - - - Security - - CRACKED.COM The rapper and some buds held up an ATM tech, tell- ing him not to do any- thing stupid. The gang was later caught by police who tracked the Hertz rental car they were using to make their getaway.


QAnon cult leader predicts JFK will return to Dallas – again – this coming weekend.

QAnon is predicting, again, that JFK is returning to Dallas. CRACKED.COM Cult leader Michael Brian Prot- zman claimed former president Donald Trump had spoken to him in code at his last rally, to keep it not so obvious, and that Kennedy was to return to the site of his assassination for reals this time.


Google engineer put on leave after saying AI chatbot has become sentient.

A Google engineer was put on leave after claiming an AI Chatbot had become sentient. CRACKED.COM Blake Lemoine described the system he has been working on since last fall as sentient, with a percep- tion of, and ability to ex- press thoughts and feel- ings that was equivalent to a human child.

The Guardian 


NC homeowners are being offered $2k to release 100 cockroaches in their homes. GRAGKED.COM The Pest Informer said the process will allow it to study a specific pest con- trol technique. The study will take about 30 days and will require techni- cians to film the process.


Sexy Swedish garbage cans seductively encourage citizens to properly toss their trash.

Garbage cans in Sweden are seductively encouraging citizens to fill them up with trash. CRACKED.COM The Swedish city of Malmö installed two trash cans pro- grammed to respond to us- ers with seductive audio messages, like Come back quickly and do that again, Oh, yeah, right there, and That was crazy good.


New York woman finds lost dachshund – in Hilary Swank’s lap.

Hilary Swank saved a NY woman's lost dog. CRACKED.COM Chelsea Blackwell's dachshund, Blue, disappeared and her search led her to a movie shoot. Chelsea asked around if anyone had seen the dog, and the crew told her she wouldn't believe it. Swank rolled up with the pooch on her lap an hour later.

AP News 

United Arab Emirates bans Pixar's new Buzz Lightyear film.

The United Arab Emirates has banned Pixar's Lightyear over a same-sex kiss. USA NOTING CRACKED.COM The film is not licensed for public screening in all cinemas in the UAE, due to its violation of the coun- try's media content stan- dards, so these cartoon characters must really be going at it.


Used cooking oil sees a spike in theft as the price of beans and gas increase.

Used cooking oil sees a spike in theft as the price of beans and gas increase. CRACKED.COM Prince Gonzalez and Leuri Blanco siphoned the liquid gold from a local restaurant, most likely to sell on the black market to be recycled into fuel, then led police on a chase down I-95 while also striking an elderly driver.


‘Girls smell better at 16 than at 28’: Tory council candidate’s shock remarks.

A Tory council candidate said that girls smell better at 16 than 28, unprompted. GRACKED.COM Jonty Campbell tweeted: Here's the thing with girls 22 or under, they smell mas- sively different to a girl of 28. Girls aged 16 to, say 23, have this buttery, creamy, slightly sweet smell that is unbeliev- ably magnetic.

The London Economic 

Australian traveler strip-searched, held in US prison and deported.

A little-known entry requirement led to an Australian traveler being held in a US prison and deported. ZA Lufthansa - - D-AIZA CRACKED.COM Jack Dunn was cavity searched, sent to prison along- side criminals and deported because the visa waiver he ар- plied for requires you to have booked either a return flight or onward travel to a country that does not border the US.

The Guardian 

Man spent $600 building mini cinema for wild squirrels.

A man spent $600 building a movie theater for squirrels. CRACKED.COM 30-year-old Detroit resident Jason Lenzi constructed the miniature movie theater with many of the same ame- nities we humans take for granted - like concessions and toilets.


Some people would rather die than acknowledge a trans person.

A transgender paramedic says that some patients refuse her help. тэаяте TRO MEDIC CRACKED.COM Steph Meech says, As I come to the door usual- ly I get 'what are you?'. It's really not okay. I'm a paramedic first and foremost and I'm here to help.


Uvalde's school district police chief said he intentionally left his radios behind.

Uvalde's school district police chief admitted to leaving his radios behind when he responded to the mass shooting. 020H FL.C N.Y. MAKOWSKI CRACKED.COM Pete Arredondo, who also reported that he was unaware he was the one in charge during the incident, said the equip- ment would slow him down.


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