20 Now-You-Know Facts For Friends And Foes Alike

I enjoy this list of interesting facts. If you read it, I hope you do too. If you do not, please do not bother to read it.I have spent much of my life enjoying a peculiar hobby: making lists. I started in the fourth grade when my teacher, Mrs. Taylor, asked us to create a list of things we wanted to be when we grew up. My list included: an astronaut, a ballerina, a police officer, a writer, a zoo keeper, a scientist, and a musician.When I was in sixth grade I created another list of interesting facts. I had learned about lists on TV and I decided to try my hand at it. This list included things like: The world's smallest building is made of rice paper; the word “kangaroo” comes from an Aboriginal word meaning “I don't know who or what you are,”; and a redwood tree is considered old when it's twenty years old.
Dana Carvey sued a hospital after a botched heart surgery.

A Titanic survivor refused leg amputation and went on to win at Wimbledon.

Luke Perry was buried in a burial suit that eventually digests the wearer.

A $95,000 junk mail check actually cleared when it was deposited.

Honorary Degrees

Revlon tried to get rid of a contestant on a game show they sponsored for not wearing makeup.


Donald Duck

Leslie Nielsen’s umpire character from ‘The Naked Gun’ was recognized by ESPN.

Camels will be coaxed into accepting their young by a flute.

1,200 tons of uranium was shipped to Staten Island by a Belgian businessman.

‘Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’ was saved by Tom Cruise.

Mike Tyson called up Ali to let him know he would avenge his loss in 1980.

19th Century Music

The ASPCA founder also founded the first child protective services.

Geriatric Firewood

Deer sometimes eat meat.

Kids in Wisconsin can drink if they’re with a parent or guardian.

King James had no chill in regards to tobacco.

Ariana Grande had a mistranslation tattooed on her palm.