20 Now-You-Know Facts For Friends And Foes Alike
I enjoy this list of interesting facts. If you read it, I hope you do too. If you do not, please do not bother to read it.I have spent much of my life enjoying a peculiar hobby: making lists. I started in the fourth grade when my teacher, Mrs. Taylor, asked us to create a list of things we wanted to be when we grew up. My list included: an astronaut, a ballerina, a police officer, a writer, a zoo keeper, a scientist, and a musician.When I was in sixth grade I created another list of interesting facts. I had learned about lists on TV and I decided to try my hand at it. This list included things like: The world's smallest building is made of rice paper; the word “kangaroo” comes from an Aboriginal word meaning “I don't know who or what you are,”; and a redwood tree is considered old when it's twenty years old.