15 Trivia Tidbits For Your Wednesday

How does one enjoy this list of interesting facts? It's a simple question with an answer that's much more complex. We know what makes us happy. It's a fairly simple equation: things that make us happy also make others happy, therefore we should do them. That's what we call a moral imperative. And as for the things that make others happy, well, it's the same thing. And the more people who are happy, the happier everyone will be. It's an inescapable chain of cause-and-effect. But there are times when the chain breaks. There are times when we feel happy but we are not doing those things that make others happy. For example, it's impossible to enjoy a nice meal if you're feeling unwell. The meal might be wonderful, but it won't be enjoyable. And it's not just a matter of personal choice. The heart wants what the heart wants. The mind has no choice but to follow. And this is where the list of interesting facts comes in.
After their team lost Two World Cup spectators committed suicide in the stadium.

An electronics company built a secret factory in the London Underground during WWII.

Weird Al's song White & Nerdy is his first and only song to reach the Top 10.

Harvey’s Lake Tahoe casino was held up by bomb wiedling maintenance workers.

Rod Stewart had such terrible stage fright during his first concert in America that he hid behind the amplifiers.

Stephen Spielberg acquired the rights to the Shrek! book, planning to make a 2D animated movie.

Martha Gellhorn was the only woman to land on the Normandy beaches.

In France it is illegal to disinherit one’s children.

The iconic Einstein-sticking-his-tongue-out photo was his annoyed reaction to paparazzi.

The Masai Tribe in Africa donated 14 cows to the United States after 9/11.

Composer Eric Sierra "purposely wrote un-singable things" in the operatic song in ‘The Fifth Element.’

The Yakuza kidnapped the Animal’s manager in Japan.


Ray Liotta was adopted by an Italian family.
