12 Surprising Research Findings We Just Learned

Sound smarter by citing these scientific studies.
12 Surprising Research Findings We Just Learned

Every day scientists are writing scientific papers about their scientific findings, and, lucky for us dummies, we get to read them and absorb the knowledge without having to do any of the hard, boring, tedious science stuff. Yet still, people think they can ignore the hard work of scientists to do their own “research”... better known as reading the top search results whose title was clickable and not even looking at peer-reviewed papers that use the scientific method. 

 Of course, scientific studies aren’t without their downfalls--it’s important to see who funded the study and if the investor has a stake in the outcome. But, even so, the most biased study is probably going to be better than the top Neocities page result. 

Here are twelve science findings we found fascinating. Don’t trust us? Proud of you. What a big ol’ scientific mind you have on you! We encourage you to read the original study.

Humans hear as well as seals underwater

WHAT'S UP WITH SCIENCE? CRACKED.COM Humans hear as well as seals underwater Well, some sounds. Seals can hear more noises and louder noises underwater. Also, humans aren't good at detecting the direction of noise underwater.

Source: ScienceDaily

Stars outside are galaxy are bigger than we thought

WHAT'S UP WITH SCIENCE? CRACKED.COM Stars outside our galaxy are bigger than we thought A new study shows we underestimated how large stars outside the Milky Way are. Stars in distant galaxies tend to be more massive than closer ones, and, the farther away, the larger the average stars may be.

Source: ScienceDaily

Selfies may be driving plastic surgery

WHAT'S UP WITH SCIENCE? CRACKED.COM Selfies may be driving plastic surgery Cellphone photos can distort facial features. One study shows that this distortion may be related to an increase in plastic surgery requests that are asking surgeons to fix issues that only exist in photos.

Source: ScienceDaily

Fecal transplants may...reverse aging?

WHAT'S UP WITH SCIENCE? CRACKED.COM Fecal transplants may...reverse aging? des 005 Scientists have discovered that transplanting fecal microbiota from young into old mice can reverse signs of aging in the gut, eyes, and brain. Yup, we're talking poop transplants here.

Source: Microbiome

The first Australians ate giant birds' huge eggs

WHAT'S UP WITH SCIENCE? CRACKED.COM The first Australians ate giant birds' huge eggs Using protein from a prehistoric eggshell, scientists confirmed that people 50,000 years ago ate the 3-pound eggs of the 500-pound flightless Thunderbird, perhaps leading to their extinction.

Source: ScienceDaily

Scientists have made the smallest-ever, remote-controlled walking robot

WHAT'S UP WITH SCIENCE? CRACKED.COM Scientists have made the smallest-ever, remote- controlled walking robot At only half a millimeter wide, the robot bends, twists, jumps, crawls, and even jumps while being smaller than the width of a coin and looking like a miniature peekytoe crab. We're sure this tech will only be used for good.

Source: ScienceAlert

Scientists have made living skin for robots.

WHAT'S UP WITH SCIENCE? CRACKED.COM Scientists have made human skin for robots Welcome to the future. Scientists in Japan have managed to craft skin for robots with human-like texture. The skin is water-repellent with self-healing functions.

Source: Matter.com

Optimism might be key to a longer life

WHAT'S UP WITH SCIENCE? CRACKED.COM Optimism might be key to a longer life One study found that women with higher levels of optimism were more likely to live over 90 years regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Source: CNBC


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