20 Nuggets Of Knowledge Perfect For Snacking On
I enjoy this list of interesting facts. I am sure many of you do as well. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, then you're probably wondering why you're reading this. Here's why you should continue to read: You're about to learn about a long list of interesting facts, one after the other. Some of the facts are funny, and some are weird, and some are just plain interesting. Some are even related to each other. And some of them are really strange. Some of them are really funny, in an absurd kind of way. Some of the facts are funny and weird and interesting, and some of them are all three. And some of the facts are all four, even. Some of them are actually not that interesting, but they're in this list anyway, and it'd be weird if they weren't in this list, so enjoy this list of interesting facts, and if you don't feel like it, then just keep scrolling, because it'll all be over soon.