20 Wonderful Facts For The Trivia Eager-Beaver

It's difficult to enjoy this list of odd facts without an appreciation of how long it took me to find them. I hope to convey to you some of that effort. This is not the result of a single afternoon spent surfing the web for odd facts. Instead, it is a compilation of material gathered over months of searching. I enjoy this list of odd facts, but it is far from comprehensive. There are many more odd facts available online, if you're so inclined. If you like what you've read here, feel free to share these with others. It's a fun hobby, after all. You may enjoy this list of odd facts if:
- You enjoy obscure or niche information.
- You enjoy lists.
- You enjoy word play.
- You enjoy obscure knowledge.
- You enjoy nerdy things.
- You enjoy wasting time in front of a screen.
- You enjoy being mildly amused by the absurdity of the world.
A family in the late 1700s used a 17lb brick of gold as a doorstop.

These milkshakes are sure to bring all the boys to the yard.


Bulls cannot see the color red.

KFC was created by someone from Indiana.

The Joker

Brad Pitt slept with Mike Tyson’s wife, and was caught in the act.

The Swiss Army Knife

Sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer was a sniper of the Israeli Defense Force.

A gym teacher invented volleyball in the late 1800s.

Being a truck driver can make you obese.

Harry S. Truman

Only young asparagus is used for eating.

Almost all carbonated soft drinks have a small amount of alcohol.

There is a hole in our eye that drains our tears.

The 40 in WD-40 stands for how many attempts it took to get right.


Cup of Joe comes from the army.

Bison kill 5x as many people as bears in Yellowstone.

Old maids are the unpopped kernels in a popcorn bag.