20 Trivia Tidbits For Trivia Elitists

I enjoy this list of odd facts quite a lot. It's probably my favorite list on this site. And yet, I find myself unsatisfied. I have always been an admirer of odd facts and this list is full of them. Some are genuinely strange. Some are quite amusing. But there is something else that bothers me about them, something that I can't quite put my finger on. And so, I decided to write an introduction to the list to try and figure it out. I did this for three reasons. First, to see if there is any commonality amongst the facts on the list that might give me some idea as to what it is that is bothering me. Second, to see if I could find any commonalities at all. And third, to enjoy this list of odd facts even more.
But let us begin at the beginning. The first fact on the list is the following.
Banana trees are giant herbs.

People in groups look better than individually.

A coma patient woke up for a few hours, and then fell back into their coma.

Actor Frank Farnum was in over 1,000 films.


Franz Romer

Mickey Rourke had an undefeated boxing record.

A ‘Network’ performer won Best Supporting Actress for a five minute long scene.

As a joke, Simon Cowell hijacked a bus.

World War I Bizarre Injuries

Will Smith is glad he turned down ‘The Matrix.’


A teenager literally sold an organ for an iPhone.

Ryan Gosling was inspired by the movie ‘First Blood’ to throw knives at his fellow classmates.


Life finds a way.

Alas poor Moe! I knew him, Horatio.

Sudan still crucifies people.

Iceland was almost called “Butterland.”