15 Fascinating Facts That Really Tilted At Our Windmills

I enjoy this list of odd facts. It has been in my head for years, but it wasn't until a couple weeks ago that I decided to actually sit down and make a list.
The story is that my brother sent me an email asking about something I had posted on Facebook, and I thought it would be fun to send him back a list of strange things that I've noticed over the years. He seemed to enjoy it, so I started thinking about writing a book with some of these things. The list grew longer and longer, until it was just too long to post in one sitting. And then it got even longer. I'm a person who has a lot of thoughts floating around in my head, and this project has helped me sort through all the weird ideas in my head, and put them into order.
So… enjoy. And remember: Everything you hear on this list is true.
The first baby-boomer was Kathleen in Philadelphia.

Cell Phones

The Patriot Act

‘War and Peace’ was written out by hand seven times.

Facebook had an Awesome button before ‘Like.’

Van Buren is our first really “American” president.

Vinegar dissolves pearls.

A chemical in spit is a natural painkiller.

The bible does not say anything about three wise men.

Lyme disease is named after Lyme, Connecticut.

Grapes trap microwave energy.

Sperm travels the equivalent of 100 Olympic swimming pools.

Fulgurites are “fossilized lightning.”

Batman founded Melbourne, Australia.