20 Compelling Facts For Every Trivia Overachiever

You know, when people enjoy this list of odd facts, they usually say things like “Oh! That's so weird! I had no idea!” and “Wow! I never knew that!” and stuff like that. I can't help but feel that if we as a species were as intelligent and informed as we think we are, that these odd facts would be more widely known. The first time I heard about an interesting fact on television was when a woman on The Learning Channel was discussing how many people have died from shark attacks in Australia. (She said the number was two-thousand-six-hundred-and-thirty-two, which is obviously false.) I thought, “Wow! What a fascinating number! But it's also kind of scary.”
And then she said that sharks only attack humans once every six years on average. That's not too surprising, but it was still interesting to learn. The most amazing thing about the list is that it's never going to end. There are just so many fascinating odd facts.
Crude Oil

Bank of Italy changed to Bank of America in 1930.


Air Force One is not a single aircraft.


A baseball pitch has the energy of a bullet.

The word ‘school’ means ‘spare time.’

The Grinch

The sun blasts us with billions of particles every second.

It wasn’t illegal to have a drink during prohibition.


The Finnish version of a Grammar Nazi is very evocative.

One Chinese district makes a third of all socks.

A safe cracker was also a prolific pantie raider.

Just desserts have nothing to do with cake and ice cream.

A solid gold statue was hidden under plaster.

Modern Court Jesters

Stonehenge was bought as a gift in 1915.

“Slut hole” meant “garbage can” in 19th century England.

Bobby survived Niagara Falls but was done in by a banana peel.