30 ‘Star Wars’ Facts That Remind Us to Let the Wookie Win

A long time ago, somewhere in California, a kid who liked cars made a movie about space wizards, light swords and space dog-fighting. His name was George Lucas, the movie was called Star Wars and you’ve probably rolled your eyes at someone being way too into it at least once in the past handful of years. As much as the space fantasy universe of brave knights and evil wizards has captured the imaginations of kids of all ages, the behind-the-scenes trivia of Star Wars tends to enrapture anyone who is into how movies are made.
For instance, did you know that some of the biggest twists in the original trilogy weren't planned at all? Or that scrapped designs from the original movies would be reused later in the franchise? All these facts and more are below. Just keep in mind that it’s always better to let the wookie win.
Would it fix Episode 9?

That explains the smooch

Star Wars

The coaxium explosion

Mark Hamill's snake bite

The original Emperor

Werner called them cowards

Two Big Roles

Boba Fett

The Mandalorian's Rifle

The Han Solo back-up plan

The Lucas Children Cameos

A secret Episode III cut?

Jabba's original look

Order 66's origin

Chewie was a freak

Anakin... I'm you're father.

Would love to take a spin on any of these over what we got

Palpatine's freaky chair

David Prowse got it right... by accident

The origins of Yub Nub!

What's in a dewback?

Christian Bale was almost in Star Wars... twice

A real "the dress" situation

Star Wars' lower budget sequel idea

Rey's storyline was a mess


John Williams' close call

Rogue One's original ending