27 Weirdest Video Game Things We Can't Delete From Our Brains

Video games! You know the drill, you start on the left hand side of the screen, and try to make your way to the right while dodging monsters and inconveniently placed bottomless pits until you reach a flag pole or something… Sure, this may be how many of began playing video games, but the art form has evolved a lot since then. As an art form matures, it gives way to lots of experimentation and the testing of boundaries… And the results are what we find below. Some of these are clever workarounds to create the effects you're used to seeing on your screen, others are weird attempts to forge a brand new style of gaming to mixed effects.
Cleavage health bars? Games that are mostly about looking at a weird fish creature? The reality of what your first person shooter character actually looks like? It's all here… and it's all pretty weird.

Neo: The World Ends With You


Dwarf Fortress



Video Game Cut Scenes

Horizon Zero Dawn

Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


Mario Galaxy

Bioshock 2

No More Heroes

Typing of the Dead

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

This Is The Only Level

SCP: Containment Breach

The Getaway

Jak & Daxter


Resident Evil 4

Fallout: New Vegas


Fallout 3

Boktai: The Sun Is In Your Hands

Jurassic Park: Trespasser

Metal Gear Solid