20 Reality Shows With Disturbingly Dark Downsides

Ah, reality TV. Can’t live with it -- Anyway, reality TV may be fun and quirky and full of awkward zooms, but we can always sense something isn’t quite right. An entire genre built on desperation and artificial drama almost by definition entails that something must be hiding somewhere -- the dark. No, not the Kardashians, we mean actual dark downsides to all the gloss. Behind the scenes, the apparent spontaneity of reality TV shows machinations, even manipulation, entire lives ruined just to keep millions of judging strangers glued to their seats with empty fluff.
Now, our favorite reality show is Pregnant in Heels, so we had to do some digging. What we found is that, indeed, in order to sustain such an artificial form of “reality,” some dark things must be kept out of sight. And we mean truly dark, like drug addictions, child abuse, forced precarization, psychological manipulation, or Donald Trump. Truly chilling stuff. Following the lead of some true Cracked classics, in this list we gather 20 disturbingly dark downsides of reality shows -- that is, besides their very existence.
Pimp My Ride

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America's Got Talent

More: 6 Reality Shows That Aren't Just Fake, They're Outright Evil

More: Wikipedia
I Wanna Marry Harry

A Shot at Love

Opposite Worlds


Man vs. Beast

Source: Animal Aid
More: Ways Reality TV Can Go So, So Wrong
Kid Nation

Source: Wikipedia
The Apprentice

More: 6 Reality Shows That Aren't Just Fake, They're Outright Evil
House Hunters

More: 6 Reality Shows That Aren't Just Fake, They're Outright Evil

Flavor of Love

Dirty Jobs

More: 4 Times Reality Cast Members Were Monsters Outside Of The Show
Daisy of Love

More: 5 Secrets of Making Reality TV They Don't Want You to Know

Last Comic Standing

More: 6 Reality Shows That Aren't Just Fake, They're Outright Evil
Britain's Got Talent

More: 6 Reality Shows That Aren't Just Fake, They're Outright Evil
Age of Love

Reality Show Suicides

Source: The Guardian