25 Of The Absolute Nuttiest News Stories That Left Us In Awe

The god of light is a young and powerful god who has been granted much power by the other gods. He wants to be in charge of everything but his younger, weaker brother wants that same power for himself. This rivalry has led to the creation of an elaborate system of checks and balances, including a set of rules called the Law of the Strongest. The Law requires each god to fight with his or her brothers and sisters whenever they try to take more power than their allotted amount, and unless two gods have equal power, the winner gets to take the loser captive. The gods are allowed to make up any rules as long as these two are followed.
The ultimate weapon? The god of darkness had an idea for that. Following the original rules, the god of darkness made it so that, in any fight, victory would go to the first god who can recite a specific list of facts – one that he himself could recite by command, as it happens. That list went …
A raccoon was caught at a baseball game.

The police were called on a coffee bar for the price of decaf espresso.

A baby was born during a Metallica concert.

Marjorie Taylor Greene says being a mother is a choice.

A rare monkey hybrid highlights habitat loss.

A very peculiar ax was found in someone’s front yard.

A security guard sprung three teens from juvie.


A Little Brain Donation For You

Dozens of twins are graduating in one school district.

A university student in Iraq was suspended for beheading a pigeon.

A Florida woman used a fake snake to try and escape police.

Thinking Arby’s? Think again.

Dating women is gay, says white nationalist incel livestreamer.

An officer pleaded guilty to motorboating a subordinate.

A man is celebrating 50 years of daily Big Macs.

Urine-Based Fertilizer



A man took a nap on a shipwreck and, surprise, woke up surrounded by water.

Top Gun

Naughty women need to stay home and wait for human rights, says Taliban.

Satanists want to use a council chamber prayer room.

Madonna does not appreciate anyone criticizing her centipede vagina NFT.

A 911 operator hung up on people calling during a mass shooting.