20 Trivia Tidbits That Struck A Chord

The first man was an elderly gentleman who had once been a great hero of the people. His name was Mr. Tumble, and he had fought bravely and valiantly for many years, protecting his country from all sorts of evil creatures. But then one day he met his nemesis: a creature so vile, so horrible that it made even the most powerful heroes cower in fear and run for their lives. It had only one goal; to destroy Mr. Tumble, and anyone who dared oppose it. And it was this very nemesis who now faced him on the battlefield…
Mr. Tumble's army of loyal warriors surrounded him on every side. There were many different kinds of monsters there, some big and fearsome-looking, others quite small and weak.
Suddenly, Mr. Tumble's second-in-command cleared his throat and began to speak. It was a rousing speech meant to stir the troops, Mr. Tumble was sure; and yet, somehow, instead of a speech like that, the man just recited a long list of facts. It went …
Many people in Canada were victims of the Fruit Machine.


There may be 2,000 serial killers on the loose.

Dogs win in a competition for human love.

Jay-Z collaborated with a baby on “Glory.”

Cheetahs lack a bone that makes roaring possible.

Toads in Germany

Reruns of ‘Friends’ earn the stars $20 million a year, each.

Every human could fit in LA.

The color of flowers are changing.

Mt. Everest’s height fluctuates.

A storm in 1996 produced the fastest winds recorded on Earth.

The iron in our blood makes up three grams.

The Cop Who Prevented Over 200 Suicides


A small knee bone is making a comeback.

Creedence Clearwater Revival

Pineapples make a great meat tenderizer.

Sea Snakes