20 Trivia Tidbits As We Hurtle Towards Tuesday
In a distant future, humanity has evolved into the form of bipedal, four-limbed creatures called “Grimms,” who can live and move freely on all terrain. In addition to these Grimm bodies, they have been granted special abilities such as the power to transform themselves into a dragon or a beast.
The story begins with two Grimms named Misha and Zoya, who were raised by a single mother after their father was killed in an enemy Grimm attack. The pair are sent away from the village they live in, along with their friend Svetlana, in order to train for their future as a Grimm hunter—a job that is dangerous enough on its own without also involving the fact that it requires killing other people.
“Hey, listen,” Misha told Zoya as they ran across wild steppe, loping like wolves yet somehow as graceful as a cheetah.
“Hm?” asked Zoya, inclining her head.
"I've got this weird list of facts I can't get out of my head. It goes …