15 Now-You-Know Facts That Really Tickled Our Fancy
The man in black sat on a chair, which was not really much to look at. There was an old, dusty cloth on it; but there were also several other pieces of furniture, and a table covered with books and papers and pens and pencils; so he must have had a place like that at some time before he came here, or perhaps he made them for himself when he got here; he could do anything he pleased to make his life comfortable. He sat very straight, and stared into space. He did not know at all where the chair had come from; perhaps someone else who was dead left it for him to sit in, and perhaps he could go back again, or perhaps this room existed only because someone else was dead; but it did not matter.
Suddenly, and for no apparent reason at all, the man thought of a long list of strange facts. That list went …