20 Stephen King Adaptations: Original vs. Remake

We’re big fans of Stephen King here at Cracked. The man has almost single-handedly created contemporary horror, and hell, even his alter-ego is kind of a genius. Similarly, his more specific contributions to cinema are also praise-worthy. High-brow literary snobs might look down at his novels, yet a quick look at movies inspired by them show that some of the greatest directors of all time have used his works as inspiration to create cinematic masterpieces. Well, and there’s also the CGI Langoliers from The Langoliers, so his contributions to comedy are also well-established.
Now, there are so many movie adaptations of King’s works—around 50, to be precise—that remakes are bound to emerge. Until Hollywood finally answers our pitch to make a new, hyper-serious Langoliers movie with even worse special effects, then, here we offer 20 comparisons between original King adaptations and their remakes, re-imaginings, and squeakquels. Has any Stephen King remake surpassed the original? Just read to find out. Oh, and that is the name of the Langoliers remake pitch, by the way —The Langoliers: The Squeakquel! The exclamation point is non-negotiable, Hollywood.
Pet Sematary

Pet Sematary

Pet Sematary

Salem's Lot




Apt Pupil

Source: Cinemablend



The Shining

The Shining

The Shining

Children of the Corn

Source: Bloody Disgusting
The Dead Zone

The Stand

Maximum Overdrive / Trucks

The Mist


Source: My TV Online