18 Now-You-Know Movie & TV Facts We're Totally Putting In Our Dating Profile

You’ve gotta fill out that dating profile somehow and with something. You already have the must-haves, like pictures of you with coffee/wine, pictures of you hiking/nature walking, and you enjoying brunch with a smile or something you perceive others to like. You even include that one “these are all my friends!” picture with Lyle, the guy that died last year but that’s okay because you weren’t very close with him to begin with.
Now it’s time for you.
It’s time to show off who you are. Who you really are deep inside. You are a pop culture nerd. Stop denying it. You not only watch all of the movies, you have takes on all of them. You not only know a lot about TV. Television raised you better than either parent ever could. Every time is screen time in your world.
What better way to show off to your future date than to spout off some trivia? Let us help you with these random TV and film facts to help fill out your profile.
'My Heart Will Go On' in 'Titanic'

Source: Billboard
Gillian Anderson and Pamela Anderson

Source: Entertainment Weekly

Source: Empire
Walk and Talk in 'The West Wing'

Source: BuzzFeed
The 'Golden Girls' - 'Saved by the Bell' Connection

Source: Great Big Story/YouTube
Han Solo Knows

Source: Vanity Fair
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Paycheck in 'Terminator 2'

Source: WhatCulture
Costumes in 'Schindler's List'

Source: Los Angeles Times
Christopher Lee and J. R. R. Tolkien

Source: Us Magazine
Dancing in 'Pulp Fiction'

Source: Far Out Magazine
Will Smith

Source: Make It/CNBC
Laurel and Hardy

Source: Flavorwire
Colors in Warren Beatty's 'Dick Tracy'

Source: Vanity Fair
Brokeback Mountain

Source: Entertainment Weekly
Blanche's Wardrobe in 'The Golden Girls'

Source: Observer

Source: Vudu/YouTube
Dancing Cheerleaders in 'American Beauty'

Source: Paula-Abdul.com
Adventure Time

Source: Adventure Time Wiki