15 Pieces of Brain Bait to Ruminate

I am not the kind of woman who is usually invited to the house of a stranger. In my profession, it would be considered improper for me to have any personal connection with anyone, so I have had few such invitations. Still, this time was quite exceptional and I accepted immediately. I knew nothing about his age or appearance; he simply seemed to need someone who would listen to him. He came to my house in the afternoon, when my husband was away, and we spent the evening together talking. It was a very long night and I must admit that by the end of it, I did feel as though I had learned much from him, although I am not sure exactly what. I have decided therefore to record all that he said, just to make sure I understand everything correctly.
In great confidence, he told me a list of fifteen facts, and that list went …
An Egyptian Tablet From 1250 BC Kept Track of People Who Missed Work.

Alan Turing Who Broke Nazi Code Was Also an Olympic-Level Runner.

Beavers Built a Dam Over a Speaker Playing the Sound of Running Water.

An Environmental Activist Lived in a Redwood Tree for 738 Days.

A Homeless Woman Lived Undetected in a Man’s Closet for a Year.

Jonah Hill Was Only Paid $60,000 For The Wolf of Wall Street.

Pope Benedict XVI Announced His Retirement in Latin.

“King of the Hill” Was Inspired by Mike Judge’s Texas Neighbors

The Man Who Started Atari Also Founded Chuck E. Cheese’s Pizza-Time Theaters.

King Henry VIII Loved Playing the Recorder.

Metal Fans Are Similar to Classical Fans.

Snails Typically Move at 0.03 mph.

Rats are Ticklish.

Ostrich Eggs Take One-to-Two Hours to Boil.