15 Now-You-Know Facts That Hit Us Like A Freight Train

In the middle of the night, a poor man was found dead. He had been murdered. The murderers left behind two clues that were to solve their mystery and save them from the hangman's noose: a pair of shoes and a note saying "If you want these, follow me".
The next morning at the town's main square, a man was found lying there. He seemed very confused but also extremely calm, almost as if he had died in his sleep. When the townsfolk saw what the stranger had on his feet they realized that the murder was not random. It had been a targeted killing.
"Who did this?" the townsfolk asked about the man. They had seen the murderer leave him with a pair of shoes but they hadn't known what to do or who could be so cruel, so ruthless.
Eventually, they noticed a strange list of fifteen facts that the killer had left next to the corpse. That list went ...
Reorienting your poodle paradigm

Thanks, we hate Biblically accurate horseshoe crabs.

Clam chowder represents Massachusetts at every Presidential inauguration.

Male monkeys will pay to see female monkeys.

Picasso was arrested for the theft of the Mona Lisa.

There is a name for the symbols used in comic strips that hide curse words.


A racing pigeon was the most expensive bird bought at auction.


Football players aren’t the only ones to get Super Bowl rings.

The biggest pumpkin was bigger than a car.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding was watched by 30 million Americans.

A coffee taster insured his tongue for millions of dollars.

Hotdogs are not sandwiches, it’s been confirmed.

2,000 thunderstorms are going off at any given moment.