26 Food Products From The 80s (That Should Stay In The Past)

Sometimes through our rad aviator nostalgia glasses, we forget that some things from the past are better forgotten. Not everything from the 80s was synths, shoulder pads, and neon colors. The 80s also included toasted pizza and pudding roll-ups, which simply should not be forgiven. Hindsight can be 20/20 but these foods are, at most, 3 out of 10.
We asked Cracked readers on Facebook, “What food product from the 80s are you glad is long gone?” Because it’s the internet, this question made some people upset. Some readers said that just because they didn’t like a product, they didn’t want to yuck others’ yums, and although we respect that, that doesn’t make for good internet content. But many people quickly had their most hated 80s food at the ready…and we would definitely argue the world is better without neon green pudding pies.
Are we missing any 80s edible atrocity? Did you click hoping to see a certain food product that wasn't here?
Undercover Bears Oatmeal



Toaster Pizza

Smurfberry Crunch

Pudding Roll-Ups

Purple Passion

Pudding Pies

Pudding Pies: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

New Coke


Pizza Spins


MicroMagic Fries

Lunch Wagon Sandwich Slices

Weight Watcher Margerine

Ice Cream Cones Cereal

Morning Funnies

Frank 'N Stuff

Burger Chef

Crystal Pepsi

Banana Frosted Flakes

Astro Pops

Jolt Cola

Big League Chew
