15 Terrific Facts That Really Tanned Our Hides

Two men are sitting at opposite ends of the trench with rifles across their knees. The sun has just gone down and a cold rain is falling on top of them as they discuss how things are different between them. They talk of how things were when they first joined up. One of the men talks about what a good life it was back home before he signed up. He tells the other man how he used to be able to get drunk and have fun with his friends every day without fear. The man at the other end of the trench listens quietly as they go on about their past life, and eventually they start laughing together over a memory of something funny that happened back then. They laugh together so much they can no longer see each other through their tears.
The thing they're laughing about? It's a list of fifteen facts that goes like this:
Lincoln was the first to use the elephant as a Republican symbol.


Hangovers can be helped with cactus extract.

The Wizard of Oz almost didn’t have its most iconic song.

Sea Bunnies

A broken laser pointer was Ebay’s first sale.

Tiny hairs on the feet of geckos allow them to turn off their stickiness.

Jefferson hated wearing formal clothes.

Tomorrowland shows the distant future of 1986.


One Japanese inventor owns the most patents in the world.

John Wayne pissed off Stalin enough that he was almost assassinated.

A ‘hat trick’ originated when a club member was given a new hat for hitting three wickets.

The date on egg cartons is several weeks before they actually go bad.