15 Entertaining Facts About Entertainers

Carl Weathers Was Cast as Apollo Creed By Insulting Sylvester Stallone.
15 Entertaining Facts About Entertainers

A poor old beggar was sitting in the middle of a dark road at night. He had no food to eat and was hungry. There was an abandoned carriage nearby that belonged to one of the wealthiest merchants of the town. He could hear the sounds from inside the house and knew that they would soon come out. He was so desperate that he even considered stealing some food, but the idea of being caught made him hesitate. Then, suddenly, he saw something moving on the ground next to him—a small dog, who appeared to have lost its way. The beggar took pity on the animal and tried to catch it, but he failed again.

The beggar looked up and found a cat sitting above him, watching him intently. The beggar then noticed a rat scurrying across the roof.

The cat then spoke to the beggar in an eldritch voice. It told him a list of fifteen facts that went ...

Comedian Steve Martin is an Accomplished Banjo Player.

Comedian and actor Steve Martin started playing banjo at age 17. Не has played on several albums, and has won a total of five Grammy awards. FE CRACKED.COM In August 2021, he even went viral on Twitter after post- ing a short video clip of him play- ing.


Jonathan Larson, Who Created Rent, Died Before Its Premier.

Jonathan Larson, who created the musical Rent, died on January 25, 1996, a night before the show's Off-Broadway premier. GRACKED.COM For six years prior to his death, Larson worked to make the musical a modern-day version of the opera La Boheme.


Paul Walker Bought a $10,000 Engagement Ring for a Soldier.

Paul Walker, star of The Fast and Furious, who died in a car accident in 2013, once purchased an engagement ring for a soldier and his fiancee who couldn't afford it. CRACKED.COM Не overheard the cou- ple talking about the hefty price tag, then called over the jewelry store manager and said to Put it on his tab.


Robert Pattinson Took a Stalker on a Date.

Twilight actor Robert Pattison, dealt with an obsessed fan in 2008 by taking her out. CRACKED.COM The woman apparently stayed outside of his apartment for weeks while he filmed a movie in Spain. Pattinson recalled, I just complained about every- thing in my life and she never came back.


Keanu Reeves Was Cast in The Matrix After Five Actors Rejected the Role.

The 1999 film The Matrix became a sensation, partly because of Keanu Reeves' portrayal of the lead character, Neo. GRAGKED.COM Five other A-listers turned down the role: Will Smith, Val Kilmer, Brad Pitt, Nico- las Cage, and even Sandra Bullock who the casting di- rectors considered for a fe- male Neo.


Gary Busey Had a Near-Death Experience.

In 1988, Busey claims to have had a near-death experience after a motorcycle accident. CRACKED.COM In 2003, the actor starred in the film Quigley, about a man who dies and comes back as a dog. Reportedly he disagreed so ve- hemently about the set design of heaven he got into a fist fight with another actor, and the film went days behind schedule.

Huff Post

Cher Used the First Autotune.

On Cher's comeback hit Believe in 1998, the producers decided to test out a vocal autotune device. CRACKED COM They set the pitch corrector at an ex- tremely high level that created the fa- mous robot-synthe- sizer sound.


‘Thandie’ Newton

Thandiwe Newton's first name was misspelled as Thandie in the credits of her 1991 first movie, Flirting. GRAGKED.COM In April 2021, after three decades, the actress reclaimed her original first name.


Willie Nelson Has a Black Belt in Martial Arts.

In 2014, at 81 years old, singer-songwriter Willie Nelson received his 5th-degree black belt in the martial art of Gong Kwon Yu Sul. GRAGKED.COM The musi- cian has also studied Тае- kwondo.

The Telegraph

Julia Child Was a WWII Spy.

The late American cook, known for TV's The French Chef, worked for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during WWII under her maiden name Julia McWilliams. CRACKED.COM C.I.A. docu- mentation was once classified.


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