15 Science Facts That Fired Up Our Bunsen Burners

40,000 tons of unwanted clothes end up in a Chilean desert every year.
15 Science Facts That Fired Up Our Bunsen Burners

I am an ancient being. My life has been spent in service to a single purpose—to protect the people of this world from evil and injustice, like Strike Force Five. No, I'm not Hulk Hogan. I was a lowly guard dog when one day my master gave me a gift. A magical device that allowed him to summon me whenever he desired. The gift of flight allowed me to travel to the ends of the Earth and see all of my masters' work firsthand, to witness their triumphs and failures and to report back to them on the actions taken by other beings that might affect our world. They were all dumb, big surprise. They put ketchup on steak. Good grief, what an abomination. 

This story takes place in the year 2196AD, a hundred years after my birth and the death of my master, who passed away while saving an entire city of humans. What an idiot. Everyone knows ‘Man of Steel’ already covered all this with that bore Henry Cavil, albeit poorly, and with the dumbest neck-snapping in movie history. No, this is not that story, this story is told from multiple viewpoints. We fought valiantly to preserve the sacred knowledge, consisting of a list of fifteen facts. If you like this sort of arc, perhaps you should watch ‘The Foundation’ on AppleTV. It's all about humanity's quest for knowledge, how we can subvert that, and  Lee Pace's chest. Anyway, that's on Apple TV. This list goes a little something like this...

A camera no bigger than a grain of salt was developed by students.

Princeton Scientists have come up with a camera no bigger than a grain of salt. 0 22 16. / and ST. zz 11 16 22 و 5.6 3.5 $7 Leitz Elmar 1:35 an - 5cm Their microscopic de- vice was created using metasurface technology. It consists of a thin sili- con nitride film covered in 1.6 million small cylin- ders. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Science Alert

Scientists can talk to plants via electronic pulses.

Scientists in Singapore have created a device that allows them to communicate with plants. The device picks up elec- trical signals released by the plant and replies with its pulses. The researchers hope that this technology could be used to detect early signs of health is- sues. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Free Think

A Chilean desert is full of unwanted clothes.

40,000 tons of unwanted clothes end up in a Chilean desert every year. Representing the absolute end of the clothing supply chain, tons of clothes from rich countries end up here. About 40% of these used clothes are sold again in poor Latin American coun- tries. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Daily Mail

An ancient village proved humans built settlements before agriculture.

The discovery of the oldest human village rewrote our history. The discovery of the an- cient village of Karahan Тере has demonstrated that hunter-gatherers were building permanent settle- ments long before agricul- ture became popular around 10,000 years ago. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

The Travel

There is a form of malware that will overheat your smartphone battery.

A new form of crypto cyberattack can melt a smartphone's battery. Experts tested malware that takes control of a phone and forces it to per- form various malicious tasks on a trial device and found that it caused the battery to buckle in just 48 hours. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


A Jupiter-sized planet survived its exploding star, and still orbits the white dwarf.

Scientists discovered a planet still orbiting its star after it went supernova. In September 2020, a gi- ant Jupiter-sized planet, called WD 1856 b, was found orbiting a white dwarf star. The planet now orbits a star 7 times smaller than itself. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


A baby dino was found in the stomach of a fossilized crocodile.

An ancient crocodile was fossilized with a baby dino in its stomach. After they performed ad- vanced imaging on the fos- sils, a group of scientists found the remains of a ju- venile, chicken sized dino- saur within the 8 foot croc- odile's stomach contents. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

SciTech Daily

Sharks can be ‘mind controlled’ by steering their sense of smell.

Scientists were able to mind control a shark by manipulating its sense of smell. Because sharks use scent to find both food and mates, activating the part of the brain responsible for detecting scent can pilot the shark, causing it to seek the source of the smell. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Plos One

A hamster killed its 11-year-old owner by biting her.

An 11-year-old died after being bitten by a hamster in 2013. After her pet hamster bit her pinky, the girl devel- oped anaphylaxis and was rushed to the hospital, un- conscious. By this point it was too late, and the rapid allergic reaction led to her death. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


An invisibility cloak is being made.

A biotech corporation is developing an invisibility cloak called Quantum Stealth. Quantum Stealth oper- ates similar to fiber optic cable technology in that it bends light waves around it, so the wearer is hidden from view. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


An infant still in the womb underwent open heart surgery.

The youngest person to undergo open-heart surgery was still in the womb. Doctors pulled the chest and arm of unborn child Tucker Roussin through an insertion made in his mother's uterus to re- move a tumor growing on the lining of his heart. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


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